Monday, February 22, 2010

Segovian and Alethea

"Look to your wargear."

"I do, Colonel," she answered tersely. "A Voss pattern bolter and a seven-round magazine, I don't know where from. And a hellgun."

"We have a Storm Trooper platoon. They all carry that."

"So do I. It's sufficient for what I feel inclined to shoot at."

"What about everything else? What do you use then?"


Sunday, February 21, 2010



Somewhere in the darkness, a Basilisk fired, to shatter the silence that ended the age.

The explosion was still echoing when the great bell of the Cathedral began to toll. More than the artillery, that was what stirred first Medin Island, and city by city the whole planet of Ahaggar, to life.

Penitent parades that had waited sleeplessly through the night took their first step to its echo. The streets began to echo, and then to shake underfoot. Choirs of children were shaken awake and hurriedly dressed. The PDF comm network was silenced to broadcast the buzzy, distorted voice of a hymn servitor.

The sun blazed over the horizon in a bloody sky, and a million voices were raised in a hymn to the final dawn.